Market Values Essay

Final Work

Due to the circumstances of a global pandemic, my final work took an entirely digital form as a website. At the time of this writing it is visible at The site includes three of my patterns, three posters and some framed research images. The posters have also been printed in A2.

The website I see as the first layer of a bigger (very creamy) cake. The site is a way of communicating some of my experiments, both in thought and in visuals, and create some dialogue with my peers. There is so much here that could be expanded and digged deeper both visually and theoretically.

Some methods I can really take with me from this project into my working life. 

A more determined way of using symbolic language, parallel to the linguistic one. 

Taking more charge over bleeding images and graphics into each other, from one plane to another, from one material to an­oth­er, from one space to another. 

The quite specific method I developed during this time, creating patterns with text – here I see a lot of potential because of the thrill and satisfaction in making them, but I’m also excited to try out other printing restrictions, aside from riso printing. 

Last but not least, even though there was no ‘deviled egg’ part in my final project, I want to start thinking of design more as something transitory, adaptable and ceremonial, rather than timeless, total and determined.

Brit Pavelson
Konstfack 2020

Thank you: vanaema Eevi, Sissela, Linda, Koit,
Johanna, Moa, Brita, Sara
and all of my course mates! <3